I will have a non-denominational viewing and service. I will be buried (closed casket- read:STIFF by Marion Roach) in a peaceful graveyard where I can have the stone of my choice, near my familia that is NOT jw- and will visit my grave.
White Waves
JoinedPosts by White Waves
What kind of funeral will you have?
by MsMcDucket ini know that this is a morbid topic, but i often wonder what kind of funeral that i should have.
i mean, i'm not associated with any religion.
i don't want a preacher there speaking about the afterlife or trying to recruit followers.
What did YOU do during the downtime?
by LittleToe inso, if i'm not much mistaken jwd was just down for over 24 hours - the longest time i can remember in over four years of posting here.
these things happen - c'est la vie.. so what did you do during this time?
did you suffer the dts?
White Waves
I went CRAZY! I finally went to the JW uncensored site... disappointment~ NOT the upbuilding, fun this site is... I MISSED EVERYONE!! THANK GAWD JWD is back up and running. I need my fix!! Withdrawal made me a bit of a B****. I don't know how many times I can handle this!!
UPDATE: Semi-Back-in-Business
by RichieRich inover the past couple of weeks, i've learned a lot about myself and those around me.
life might suck, but life moves on.. mom's grip is weakening, prob.
because she's getting tired, or because she's beginning to realize how things are.. not everything i have done is admirable, but its done.
White Waves
PO Box 1292
Garner, NC 27529-1292
I'm sure you will receive a ton of mail. The JWs F***ed up. As usual. I can only wish the best for you and that things will settle down and you will find a wonderful life. Wonderful being only available outside the JWs. LOL
My Secret to a Joy-Filled Life
by jgnat inhere is a question i received from an anonymous poster.
getting this pm made my day.
he asks a universal question, so i decided to answer the best i can in public.
White Waves
jgnat, aren't all of us "ex JWs" survivors??? This is inspirational and confirmation that we have made it, just by being brave enough to think outside the JW box. We just have to remember it isn't easy. We've been programmed. But we will not give up. We deserve to be happy and succeed. Thank you for reinforcing such a positive outlook. I start to drift but this Website seems to pull me back. Thank you.
me, the apostate attending jw funeral/memorial service
by Lutece67 intomorrow i am going to pay respects to a woman i knew for many years who passed away.
i'm not really sad, she was in her 90's and i was surprised she made it so long considering her numerous trips to the hospital.
she also was more of a friend of my mom's than mine.
White Waves
I have thought about this topic a lot. I wouldn't attend any JW function in a KH, but a funeral home?? Above comments are correct... it is just a non-personal, recruiting move on the part of the society. When was the last time you heard a personalized funeral - one that really talked about the qualities of the lost one??? It has been decades here... I guess I'll have to decide when the time comes. My elder father and family have never attended a non-JW wedding or funeral. This pisses me off to no end. They use the excuse that JWs don't allow it, LIES. JWs from across the country in our family have attended the same functions. This lends me to believe I will not attend any JW functions to make the point "how does it feel in return?" Is there FAITH so weak that attended a non-jw wedding or funeral will pull them away? I don't get it.
Persistant little SOB's aren't they?!
by mkr32208 ini found out that the elders are trying to find picture proof that i was baptized now... morons!
if your little lurker is reading this robin has a tape of it you f*cking idiots!
john r. did the baptism!
White Waves
GoD!!!! WHY can't they just let someone leave - we do more damage when they try to keep us~!!!! Can I deny my baptism? Can I admit my elder father made me get baptized? I was 16 --- too old not to be... Maybe I should try that one the next time the Elder stalkers contact me. There should be a law against their harrassment... I move constantly and they still manage to find me. AUUGHHH!
Brain Science Teaches You How to Fade Away As a JW!!!!
by metatron inso, you feel trapped as jehovah's witness and want to get out, but don't know how?
you keep agonizing about your witness family.
and "friends" ( trust me, very few witnesses are really your friends, since their friendship is entirely conditional on meeting attendance.
White Waves
Anewme, sounds like our hubbies should be friends. My ex-to-be would tell people I just didn't want to go when in fact I really was depressed. That progressed to hating the JW Borg and the elders that screwed up my life. I just could not sit through a meeting and not be furious or else more depressed. Why put forth so much effort to be there to feel like S***? My JW family has decided that I am insane (I accept) while my "worldy" family and friends find me quite sane and lovable... what ever works for ya-that is what I say.
Bethel TV Shows
by Swan inthe thread about bethel cable channels got me to thinking.
what kinds of shows would you expect to find in their tv listings?
here's some i came up with, and a few i didn't even have to change the title.
White Waves
THAT is quite a list!!! I can't even come up with one of my own.
Just wondering?
by beautifulisfree ini was wondering why the wts uses 'pagan origins' as an excuse to not celebrate most holidays?
when everyday life is filled with things of 'pagan origins'.
just the other night i was watching csi las vegas and it told the backround of bridesmades....(to protect the bride from evil spirits and they dress slightly like the bride so as to try to fool the evil spirits) and wedding rings are 'pagan' to.
White Waves
Has anyone read the "School Brochure" lately?? The holidays are all listed as wrong because of pagan origins. I can't believe I blindly gave that to my teachers - no wonder they felt sorry for me! Seriously, isn't there a "pagan" holiday for every day of the year, if you really look hard????
Simple question that I always wondered about?
by omerp ini have noticed that at the kingdom hall there are no cemeteries around!
where do they bury the dead of the faithful jehovah's witnesses?
i'm not sure but if they are buried at the local cemeteries which are catholic, united church, etc... etc.... isn't that being a bit hipocrit to speak openly about these church right from the pulpit yet those churches are good enough to rest in peace?
White Waves
Most in my area were cremated and the few that were buried were buried in non-denominational cemetaries. Of course, these do not allow unique head stones. I knew several who have passed on that wanted unique grave stones but because of their religion could not have them. JWs that were cremated - several families dispersed the ashes at the deceased favorite park or mountain range. I understand this is technically illegal... I don't know for sure.